Install LinceBI
1. Install Zulu Community OpenJDK 11 from the MSI installer.
Link to Zulu Community’s official website
You can install Oracle’s JDK distribution, but we do not recommend it if you do not have enterprise support.
environment variable.
Open a console with administrator privileges and run:
setx -m JAVA_HOME "%programfiles%\Zulu\zulu-11"
3. Install 7-Zip.
Link to 7-Zip’s official website
Although Windows File Explorer has built-in support for Zip files, it is very slow and does not support file paths longer than 259 characters, which can cause problems when extracting the LinceBI package.
4. Extract the LinceBI package with 7-Zip to C:\Program Files\LinceBI
5. If you are going to access LinceBI from another hostname different from localhost
, update the fully-qualified-server-url
You can find this property in the pentaho-solutions\system\
6. Start LinceBI.
Run start-pentaho.bat
from the installation folder.
Some users when starting LinceBI on Windows experience that the console freezes and the application does not start, this problem may be due the “QuickEdit mode” feature of the Windows console (Why is my command prompt freezing on Windows 10? - Stack Overflow). To solve this, disable this feature or use the installation as a service explained below.
7. Access LinceBI from a web browser.
You must wait until the text “
Pentaho BI Platform server is ready
” is printed in thetomcat/logs/catalina.YYYY-MM-DD.out
Install system service (optional)
Following from the previous step 4.
1. Open a console with administrator privileges.
2. Go to tomcat\bin
cd "%programfiles%\LinceBI\tomcat\bin"
3. Run the following commands.
set JvmArgs=-DDI_HOME=%programfiles%\LinceBI\pentaho-solutions\system\kettle;-Dfile.encoding=utf8
.\service.bat install lincebi
.\tomcat8.exe //US//lincebi --DisplayName="LinceBI Server"
.\tomcat8.exe //US//lincebi --Description="LinceBI Server service"
.\tomcat8.exe //US//lincebi --JvmMs="2048" --JvmMx="6144"
.\tomcat8.exe //US//lincebi --StartPath="%programfiles%\LinceBI\tomcat\bin"
.\tomcat8.exe //US//lincebi --StopPath="%programfiles%\LinceBI\tomcat\bin"
sc config lincebi obj="LocalSystem" start="delayed-auto"
icacls "%programfiles%\LinceBI" /setowner "Administrators" /T /C /Q
4. Start LinceBI service.
sc start lincebi
IMPORTANT: If you install LinceBI as a service you should never directly execute the
and stop-pentaho.bat
scripts, you should always use the system service.