I have installed pentaho 9.1 and I have installed stpivot4 and the license.
After selecting the cube it stays spinning
I have installed pentaho 9.1 and I have installed stpivot4 and the license.
After selecting the cube it stays spinning
I have the same problem. In /opt/pentaho/biserver-ce/tomcat/logs/catalina.out I can see this:
pinning to... http://open.stratebi.com/usage/pin/stpivot-marketplace
Could you check if this service is working?
Hello @kernel,
I’ve tested the latest version of STPivot4 (https://github.com/Stratebi/STPivot4/releases) with Pentaho version and I had no problems opening the STTtool and using it.
Please answer me the following questions:
Hello Alvaro
Thanks for your response.
I’ve installed Pentaho
In version.xml I can see:
<version branch="Development" buildId="201808290946">1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
Pentaho JPivot is installed.
Hello @alvaro.megias
So, if it’s not an issue related to this service, could you tell me what can I do to fix it?
The last line in /opt/pentaho/biserver-ce/tomcat/logs/catalina.out is what I said:
pinning to... http://open.stratebi.com/usage/pin/stpivot-marketplace
Hello @kloing,
Does the machine where you have the Pentaho server installed have internet access? Try to check if this address is reachable from your machine.
Best regards
Hello @alvaro.megias
If I try to access this address fron the Pentaho server using wget I get this:
david@xyz:~$ wget http://open.stratebi.com/usage/pin/stpivot-marketplace
--2021-10-05 13:21:48-- http://open.stratebi.com/usage/pin/stpivot-marketplace
Resolviendo open.stratebi.com (open.stratebi.com)...
Conectando con open.stratebi.com (open.stratebi.com)[]:80... conectado.
Petición HTTP enviada, esperando respuesta... 405 Method Not Allowed
2021-10-05 13:21:48 ERROR 405: Method Not Allowed.
I get a similar message if I try to access to this address from my laptop.
I’ve installed LinceBI to use STOlap. I’ve configured the same connections and it works like a charm.
Thank you @emilio.arias for your support.